BSL Training: About

BSL Training: A Cover-Up by Mani Khaghani and Yasmin Ayatollahi’s Bison Solutions Ltd.

BSL Training Ltd., formerly Bison Solutions Training Ltd., is a spin-off company made by Mani Khaghani, Yasmin Ayatollahi, and Bison Solutions Ltd. This also a cover-up likely to shift assets away from Bison Solutions Ltd. as they have a long history of unpaid creditors:

  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Discount Car and Truck Rental
  • Horizons Car & Truck
  • Long list of unpaid workers
  • Royal Bank of Canada
  • Condo Corp. 0728747
  • An individual in a car accident
  • An individual with a Wrongful Dismissal Claim in Civil Court
  • A vendor in Civil Court for damages and unpaid work

The last known major shift of assets – Mani Khaghani’s share ownership in Bison Solutions Ltd. – to his wife Yasmin Ayatollahi – was approximately February 2019. By consequently removing himself as a director, Mani Khaghani sought to avoid creditor suspicion. This especially when seeking investor or commercial funding. It is suspected this new corporation may be the next attempt to dodge unpaid creditors.

What Training?

Aside from a tax write-off and dodging of creditors by shifting assets, BSL Training is more for show than anything. The owners have little to no actual experience in industry. They sub-contract to another safety company owner to perform safety training in their premises. They manufacture little to no actual training of their own.

They strive to produce a Shutdown or Turnaround School without realizing people do not go to school to go work on a Shutdown or Turnaround. Curious? Just ask Yasmin Ayatollahi and Mani Khaghani what those actually are.

Fake Reviews by Mani Khaghani and Bison Solutions

Over-compensating for his already historically poor reputation, Mani Khaghani and his team writes false reviews by producing fake Google Accounts to give his failing companies the appearance of success.

Corona Virus in Alberta?

Because of Mani Khaghani and Yasmin Ayatollahi’s track record of not paying people, they are suspected of moving assets and money out of Alberta to Iran. They have also recently traveled to Iran, an epicenter of the Corona Virus outbreak. The frequency of travels and risk of tracking the Corona Virus from Iran to Alberta is expected to increase in the near future. This as creditor pursuit intensifies against Bison Solutions, Mani Khaghani, Yasmin Ayatollahi, and BSL Training – and they aggressively resist.

While there is no confirmation of tracking the corona virus to Alberta from Iran at this time yet: the public is advised to approach them with extreme caution. Apart from the risk of contacting the virus: Mani Khaghani was arrested and charged with assaulting a former employee seeking missing wages in May 2019. He has had an aggressive history of allegedly attacking unpaid workers.

Mani Khaghani of Bison Solutions and BSL Training of Edmonton and Nisku, Alberta, from Iran. Number of cases of corona virus in Iran.